Sunday, September 23, 2012

To Transition or to Big Chop?

That is the question! lol

Now that I've been coming up on two years natural, I have been doing so much reflecting on my natural hair journey. I've actually been natural for 2 1/2 years, originally BCing in March of 2010, then BCing again in Oct of 2010. 
Why the second BC so soon? I wanted to have completely virgin hair so I cut off about two to three inches of colored natural hair (bad choice). I loved my virgin hair, but looking back I wish I had transitioned out of the color instead of chopping my little bit of length off. I actually currently have color that I think I may be transitioning out of.
Before I did my original BC, I transitioned from relaxed hair, but only for about 4 months.
What has all of this taught me?

It really just depends on your lifestyle choices and sometimes even more so, your natural hair goals. 
Let's Weigh it out:

Big Chop
  • easy wash and go's
  • styling in no time
  • not having to deal with two different textures
  • being able to see your hair grow from nothing to everything!
  • seeing your hair at all different lengths
  • very little style versatility
  • growing through awkward stages
  • realizing your hair is going to take a while to grow long (if length is your goal)
  • can be hard to protective style
  • Keeping your length in the meantime while you grow out your natural hair
  • Your natural ends will not yet be exposed to damaging elements
  • Dealing with 2 different textures and the territory that comes with it; breakage and excessive tangling at the demarcation line, thick voluminous roots and flat thin/stringy ends
  • Having to either manipulate the relaxed hair to look natural,   or the natural hair to look relaxed
  • Having to put heat on your new natural hair constantly if you plan continue regular straightening

Well, If I missed any pros or cons in either area, please let me know as I'd hate to be missing out on anything, and would love to add it to the list. So ladies and gentle dudes, to transition or to BC?

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