Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Question: The Hair Tool You Can't Live Without

Earlier this week at work, I walked into the bathroom to find a co-worker at the sink fussing over her hair. She randomly started telling me that she cannot live without her blowdryer, and she hoped that someone in the office had a spare one so she could salvage a bad hair day. I couldn't help but think about what hair tool I couldn't be without: bobby pins. I lose them so easily and find them in the strangest places, but I always try to have a few on me. In some cases it can make or break a style or I can quickly conjure up a new one whenever there's a bit of a hair mishap.

So tell us, is it your ponytail holder? Your denman brush or wide tooth comb? What's the hair tool you can't live without?

Have a Sunday question? Send us an email at!


  1. I would probably say my fingers.

  2. lol @ LaNeshe
    Bobby pins is a good one... I guess I would have to say... my new faves, the denman or a paddle brush, anything that really excavates tangles and smooths


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