Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lesson Learned

This weather has been so confusing; warm and gorgeous one day, cold and rainy the next. My allergies have been so bad I'm recovering from a sinus infection which left me sounding like a horse the last couple of days (I'm almost back to normal today though) Anyway, I washed my hair on Sunday and threw in some bantu knots which didn't dry in time yesterday but stretched my hair our nicely. So Monday night I dabbed my strands with some EcoStyler Gel and  because I heard it was supposed to be nice out Tuesday I woke up a little later then usual because allergy medication always makes me drowsy (thanks Zyrtec!) and I overslept so did know that there would be some rain first from the news? No, I thought I was going to rock a wonderfully defined (if I may so so myself) braid - out for the day

A better picture of my red lips

But guess who's hair puffed up to a not-so-cute afro by the time I got to the train station? I didn't have a headband or anything to make it look cute so I had to bun it when I got to work. #fail

 Lesson? Watch the weather channel or listen to the radio for weather before you leave the house. Or look at the sky because when it's gray that's usually a sign of some wet weather which apparently I didn't think to do either. It's rainy again today so my hair is back in a bun because I can't be fooled twice!

1 comment:

  1. Hmph, I'm tired of this weather. I had planned to ride my bicycle but it keeps raining. The only thing saving my hair is the fact that I'm wearing twists


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