Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reflections of length retention...

So I know this may sound crazy and/or corny, but i've definitely hit a mile stone...You wouldn't believe how excited i was when i realized that my hair could go into 2 cornrows! I immediately imagined myself with Domin lengthed cornrows and was so hype.. my friend looked at me like i was a total dork but i didn't care, lol. I can't remember the last time i've been able to get all my hair into 2 braids?! Making great strides...

 My hair was blown out and the 2 braids were done as a protective style and to keep my hair stretched over night.
On  my current length retention:
Looking back at my December length check pictures until now, i would say i did a pretty good job of retaining  length, aside from my trim in  January. I will say that i noticed that i didnt retain as much length in  the back as i did all over my head and i know exactly why....  
For one, i can see why my hair in the back especially always used to break off... I wore my hair out a lot this winter, either in twist outs or blown out into a big afro puff and i hated the feeling of the fibers of my coat and scarves snagging the back of my hair.  In the begining of the winter i ignored this and just thought it was annoying, until i saw that it was actually doing damage, breaking my hair, leaving it dry, with split ends and single strand knots. This past March 16th was actually my one year anniversay since chopping off the rest of my relaxed ends and wearing my hair natural, so this was also my first natural winter... still learning. Im not upset because i'm not a fan of the afro mullet that goes with a twa sometimes and would have probably trimmed the back a little shorter anyway, as i do want to grow out the layers a bit as i grow out my hair. Next winter, i will definitely be up on the protective styling big time now that i've learned my lesson :)

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