Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Question: Talking Hair With Non-Curlies

We're getting back to normal here with posting, it's been such a busy summer! Lately I've been having fun talking hair with non-naturals and non-curlies and it's a nice bonding experience. One of my closes friends is Mexican-American with thick, jet black straight hair and we've been sharing our hair routines and beauty secrets which has been fun for me. Turns out we both adore TreSemme Conditioners and I've gotten her into flexi-rods. We even made a trip to a beauty supply store exploring hair products! Of course I love talking to other naturals/curlies about hair stuff, but it's nice to share moments with others without being looked at like a weirdo. My friend and I recognize our vast hair differences and embrace it pretty well.

So my question to YAIS: Do you talk hair with non-curlies/non-naturals? Is it a positive experience for you?

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