First and Foremost, I have to say how much I respect Mr. Cosby, If not for being an educated smart black man who still keeps it real, for showing it through his work and especially this show. This was and still is one of my favorite sitcoms of all time, as it shows black people in a beautiful light, for the smart, funny, quirky, humans that we are, not always fitting negative sterotypes. Another thing was also all of the numerous guests they had on the show on a regular basis, I mean amazing and legendary artists, actors, musicians and so on and so forth! Claire was so well versed with her perfect diction, knowledge of spanish, portuguese, the poise and sophistication of a Queen, and the realness and strength of a black woman. All of the characters were so real to their age and sex and the issues that came along with it and just life in general. With hardworking, succeful parents, children who were taught manners and that education was key, it's no wonder why this show spanned the years it did and embraced a wide audience.
And of course, it was so awesome to watch all the stages of growing up, older, and wiser, and of course the hairstyles!! I would say no one went through more hairstyles than Vanessa, Denise always rocked the cool BoHo looks or my Favorite the pixie cut she had on the show ( I don't know if you guys remember that)... Theo went through a few little hair phases himself, Rudy with her beautiful long thick hair and of course, the only mullet I could say I would ever approve on Claire, lol.
Check out these pics of them then and now! I love it! Gorgeous and ALL NATURAL!

How many of you still watch the Cosby show? I can't lie, I do! Still love it!
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